Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

Submarine Pempek..Loading an egg inside for your indulgence..

The Fun Eating experience this time is Pempek which originally come from Palembang..the main ingredients are fish and sago that are mixed together. Then Pempek is fried with hot cooking oil. After Pempek turns yellow goldish, take it out from the pan..

then cut cucumber in dice slice..Give some yellow noodles on top of Pempek. Last step, pour the Cuka on top of it. Cuka is the pempek sauce made of brown sugar, dried shrimps, garlic, salt, and chilly..If you need extra taste, you can ask for more rawit chilly and dried shrimps..Isn't it fun?

My favourite one is Pempek Kapal Selam (submarine Pempek). it is called submarine because it look like the submarine one. It has egg inside it. the combination of eating fried pempek with egg will produce "unbeatable" taste in your mouth..

Another one is Pempek Adaan, it is round shaped, Curly Pempek (because it look curly ^_^ ), Pempek Lenjer (long shaped)
whatever the shape is, all of them are tasty to be eaten and creating fun eating experience mmh!

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